August 10, 2006

Life continues in Cameroon

I am starting to get settled into Cameroon, understanding of how things work around here.

Very different from anywhere else I have been I will add. For example, work only starts at 09:00, so any meetings that you schedule before then be prepared to be the only one in that meeting. But I have also concluded that in Cameroon time is not important ... unless you are not Cameroon and you have a dead line to get to, but for them, if they are 30 minutes late for a meeting then what is the problem?

Lunch on the other hand is also a 2 hour outing, the reason they have a two hour lunch is because their lunch does not start until such a point as the food is on the table, only then will the time start for lunch. And you have a two hour lunch.

Also had an interesting fact revealed to me about the up coming public holiday next week Tuesday, because the Public holiday is on a Tuesday, it automatically creates a "bridge" which means you automatically get the Monday off as well.

Life in Cameroon, it is nice I tell you. I haven't seen anyone stressed out here yet. Even with the traffic. But I still prefer my life in SA :)

I have even managed to go for a run a few times this week, Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday we went a bit late so it was dark, it was interesting especially the fact that we didn't get hit by the traffic. Although my running partner wasn't totally lucky ... no he didn't get hit by the traffic but he did fall in a "pothole" of sorts, we didn't even see it, I managed to miss it ... I acredit this to my boot camp training, always alert hahaha (we will forget the last incident at boot camp with my wrist ... the battle field can be dangerous)

Last night we went for another run, this time my running partner decided that we run for 30 minutes in one direction, and then get a taxi back, the cheap taxi. I will post some pics after this blog with the cheap taxi's ... all that it is, is a motorbike which you hop on, no helmet for either of you.

That route however I think did us more damage than good. The area we ended up in wasn't the greatest, more run down than normal and I am sure you could get some good bargins there ... if there was anything I wanted. But the traffic and the pollution was pretty bad, but it was entertaining none the less. The amount of people we were running through, cars and bikes we were dodging along the way. The cheering from the crowds ... was wondering if I was in some race of sorts hahaha.

Tonight we are going to try and run down by the river ... should be entertaining as well ... hopefully less pollution.


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