Been a while - Part Three

Now to try and keep some of the readers interested I have to dangle a "carrot" in front of them, I do know that some of the guys out there are always asking me about the local beer, Gerhard in particular has always had a request for me to bring back some local beer for him, wherever I might have been to. Now in this pic, you can see this is the local beer of Cameroon. I think it is the most drunk beer here. So yes Gerhard, if you do read this, I will try and get you a can of 33.

So if any of you ever find yourself in Cameroon and are homesick, guess what? They do have their own brand of Castle, granted it isn't the same as what most of the guys at home are use to but when I thought I would surprise my driver with some local SA beer, I got him Castle, at that stage I did't know about the Castle beer in Cameroon. Although he did say it was nice ... I am assuming the SA Castle beer was better. They do have other brands of beer here, Amstel the next big seller and that other one ... Stella Artois something or another ... I know I will be forgiven seeing as I am not a beer drinker for getting that wrong :)

While on my walk about, I had the thought of finding a coffee shop, the big thing in SA or most countries is coffee shop. You can find them on every corner, the coffee shops here are the basic guy in the pic you see here. No sit down coffee shop that I might be accustomed to, the sit down places are only bars, coffee shops you will find in the hotels and yes, I did get this guys permission to take his pic before you ask. I just had to show you the Cameroon Coffee shop.

This guy however didn't give me permission and he however doesn't know that I have taken his pic. What is he carrying you might ask? Well if you have a headache, sore throat or maybe the flu and do not have time to rush off to the pharmacy, just look for one of these guys on the street, they sell any kinda of drugs you can think of. Yes any schedule level drugs as well. I am unable to however, confirm if all the drugs they do sell is only for medical purposes, the fact that I didn't get permission for a kodak moment leads me to believe that any other questions I might throw his way will not lead to a friendly yes or no.

The next two pics I took on the way home, I had worked my way from Akwa Palace and back towards my apartment. Now here I wasn't able to tell anyone where to take me so I had to follow my way by looking at familiar sites from when Faso would take me home from the office. Now why am I telling you all this ... well on this particular road which I travelled everyday with Faso in the car was my way home. Only thing is while walking towards this entrance I get stopped by two guys who tell me not to go down this road as it is a road that the Mafia use often to attack people and take their money etc.

Now this is not the kind of thing you wdant to hear in a foreign country when that is your only way home, that or go back the way you came which is also a hot spot for attacks. So needless to say I had to walk down this road in Ninja mode and at any sudden movement I was ready to do a Miagi sun on any little lizard (I mean lizard, there are lots of them here) that crossed my path. But you know what, I got to the apartment without any issues. I had a chat to Faso, our driver and I told him that I was walking there over the weekend. He almost rode us off the road when he heard, told me that I should never walk on my own down this road, unless I leave all my belongings at home, because if they jump me and I have nothing on me then they will leave me alone and how is this, it isn't only the mafia I need to watch out for, I must watch out for the police cause they will also take all my money :)
Well that is it for now.
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